Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another night until April

Logged into the game to tell everyone I was going to be gone a long time from the game and I ended up playing with most of my ls mates.

They were doing a new thing that came out, something similar to ZNM but they call it VNM.  It was interesting, we ran all around Jugner Forest looking for the monster positions using coordinates when you /heal. 

We tried a tier 2 and a Tier 3, the Tier 3 was tough but we managed to kill it.  What sucks is that its not a 100% drop for the next color message, so you gotta kill it again in an hour.  I got to tier 2, we did a few tier 2 NMs. A big Kraken that hundred fists more than 3 times and changes hate after he uses it.  It was fun though, we always low man stuff.

Some people had to go to bed so 4 of us went to do the kraken club BCNM.  No luck there :(  It was already late and we started getting sleepy.  I said good night and canceled each content ID for each account.

I love FFXI and I will be going back, but have a house and things to take care of to settle in before I can.

<3 FC linkshell and my good friends on Gilgamesh.

:)  See you guys soon.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Boohoo I got hacked, so much RMT...Can I kill you now?

OMG WTF is up with all of these QQ I got hacked, RMT, RMT tells, new form of rmt tells, etc. The list goes on... Did no one ever listen when ppl were getting hacked ages ago, or when ppl tell you how to secure your PC, remind you of the sites NOT to go to??!?!?! Helllooooooooooo...anyone driving your brain?? You get hacked, it's always YOUR fault, not SE, not us, not even the sites. You didn't secure yourself and YOU didn't listen to everyone's advice and obviously blind that you can't read the warning message when you log on the freakin game.

Cry me a fuckin river...a huge nile river long one at that. I just say GTFO, finally we get another idiot off the game. Cause if you can't even be smart out of the game, it means your just fuckin stupid in the game.

RMT... RMT tells... Brogame... blah blah blah Yes we allllll know it's annoying and how the tells look. Do we really need more screenshots of "Aaeojfoih>> Hello, Brogame sale..." We all gotta deal with it, so why do we have to feel sympathy for you cause you got a /tell. If you don't want any tells, then config and turn the /tells off. Blacklist, etc. or ignore it. A /tell isn't gonna hack you, so get over it.

Play the game, stop being such a pussy! Use your brain if you have one and secure yourself on the PC.

Yes yes we have a token, now somehow they are hacking you with a token on. I bought the token, got satchel, took off token...Been playing since Mar '04 sooo how is it that you are getting hacked again? Oh that's riiiiight, you decided to browse websites you shouldn't have, download programs, probably have sucky ass anti-virus software, you let a friend use your account that probably got you hacked instead, and your just dumb.

Yea yea I'm a bitch sometimes, but someone has to say it to your face. :)

Oh and today is my birthday ^.^

Thank you everybody!!! <3 You guys!